European Union and Businesses
In this section, information on tools, databases, and grants for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) can be found; essential resources to which the University of Urbino Carlo Bo pays great attention.
European Funding
European Commission website dedicated to EU funding and grants
The website offers a list of European policies that provide grants. More detailed and specific information on programs and how to submit projects can be found by clicking on the initiatives of interest. The links lead directly to official pages dedicated to various funding programs.
Calls for proposals and funding by the European Commission's Representation in Italy
It contains a list of calls for proposals for grants or co-financing launched by the Representation, as well as public procurement calls for the provision of various services.
EuroPA: the FORMEZ website dedicated to Structural Funds
Here detailed information on structural funds, community programs, and the deadlines for calls can be found. FORMEZ is a national institute that reports to the Department of Public Administration of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The Institute provides technical assistance, as well as training and information services, mainly to local administrations, and helps in the search for partners to develop European projects.
Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS)
This is the European Commission’s main portal and public repository for the dissemination of information on EU-funded research projects and their results.
Funding for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Progress Microfinance
The European Progress Microfinance Facility aims to increase the availability of microcredit to create and develop a Small or Medium-sized Enterprise.
This platform collects the most important European calls for tenders on EU policies and funding. It is managed by ERVET on behalf of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
The European Union for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Executive Agency (EISMEA)
Executive Agency of the European Innovation Council for programs related to small and medium-sized enterprises.
Your Europe - Business
A practical guide regarding doing business in Europe.
DG TRADE - Access2Markets
European portal for trade information, dedicated to exporters and importers, particularly SMEs
Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
European portal dedicated to entrepreneurship and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)..
Living and Doing Business in the European Union
Information and legal advice on rights related to living, working, traveling, and studying abroad, including access to healthcare and consumer rights. It also offers advice on how to operate abroad, within or outside the EU, and provides information on taxes, imports and exports, financial support for businesses, and various other topics.